
Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Strangest animals from Seabed

Conjunction with Earth Day on Friday last week the Discovery site broadcast a few photos from the seabed.
These photos are from the annual photo contest organized by the Rosenstiel of Marine and Athmospheric Science, University of Miami. Some strange and unique images of animals from the sea floor life, one of the waters of Bali Indonesia, revealed.
1. Gobi fish transparent 

Photos are taken from MarsaAlam fish, Egypt. This photo won the main award as the Best Overall Photo in the competition this year. 

2. Little Sea Horse 

Pigmy sea horses, or Hippocampus bargibanti, it may be difficult for you to recognize, because in addition able to camouflage with the surroundings, the sea horse is so small, even size will not be able to grow larger than one inch. This photo won the category of 'Marco'.
3. The color of sea cucumbers 

Colorful sea cucumbers Sea cucumbers are filled with striking colors. He lived in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
4. Sea cucumbers and shrimps Grasshopper 

Sea cucumbers and shrimp in the waters of Bali grasshopper A mantis shrimp and sea cucumber found on the seabed in the area of ​​beach Seraya Bali, Indonesia
5. Fish Cuttlefish 

Bands of cuttle-fish was seen mating in the Oosterschelde estuary near the town of Zeeland, the Netherlands. This photo won the main award category of 'Wide Angle'.
6. Porcupine fish 

Fish that looks like it is smiling porcupine fish nets (Chilomycterus antillarum). This fish is found in the Lake Worth Lagoon, Riviera Beach, Florida USA. This photo won second prize in the portrait category this year.

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